Historical Timeline
1968 - Established as Youth Resource Bureau, by a group of Brockton residents concerned with families in need of help
1977 - Incorporated as Brockton Family and Community Resources, Inc.
1978 - Licensed by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as a Mental Health Clinic
1980 - Received gift of building at 18 Newton Street, Brockton from the Old Colony Association for Mental Health, Inc.
1991 - Established Domestic Violence Action Program
1991 - Opened State of Massachusetts first Supervised Visitation Center
1992 - Awarded citation from Massachusetts House of Representatives for "Outstanding Leadership In Domestic Violence and the Development of Programs which demonstrate how violence prevention works"
1993 - First state funded program to provide "supervised visitation/parenting services" for children in Out-of-home placement and their non-custodial parents
1993 - Licensed by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as a Provider of Substance Abuse Services
1993 - Received certification from Department of Public Health as one of state's first 7 certified batterer intervention programs for Plymouth, Norfolk and Bristol Counties Courts
1994 - Co-sponsored Senate Bill No. 819 with Senator Therese Murray –"An Act to provide Safe, Supervised Child Visitation Centers for Non-Custodial parents served with Restraining Orders."
1995 - Developed and implemented "Family Violence Advocacy Center" in donated trailer at Brockton District Court in collaboration with Chief Justice Nagle and Sgt. Joseph Butler of the Brockton Police Department
1997 - Collaborated with Brockton Police Department and the Executive Office of Public Safety on the development and implementation of the "Smart Strike" pilot project for collecting data relative to services for victims of domestic violence
1998 - Integrated Domestic Violence, Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services on site at BFCR
1999 - Developed civilian police advocacy project with the East Bridgewater Police Department
2000 - BFCR's program for battered women with substance abuse issues highlighted as a "Promising Practice" in the Urban Institute's 2000 Report to Congress
2001 - Awarded contract to provide comprehensive services to survivors of victims of 9/11 residing in S.E. Massachusetts and Eastern R.I.
2001 - Collaborated with The Brockton Police Department in the development of the Domestic Violence Plan. This published plan provides a comprehensive framework for a coordinated community response to domestic violence for the Brockton Trial Court jurisdiction
2002 - Developed and implemented the Nation's first Mobile Visitation Program for rural areas
2002 - Implemented services for survivors of victims of homicide for Plymouth and Bristol Counties
2002 - Civilian Police Advocacy Project developed with the Plymouth County District Attorney's Office, Hingham Police Dept., South Shore Women's Resource Center and Womansplace Crisis Center
2003 - Visitation Services funded by Department of Social Services for expansion to Norfolk and Barnstable Counties
2003 - Implemented crisis response, support and group services for survivors of the R.I. Night Club Fire. Received commendation from Governor of R.I.
2003 - Developed model program for state for Child Witness to Violence Services, which included two age-specific groups, a parenting group for non-offending parents and childcare, all run simultaneously
2003 - Awarded state funding to develop program to provide community based services to victims of drunk/drugged driving in a tri-county area: Norfolk/Plymouth and Bristol
2003 - Received expanded funding to further develop program for survivors of victims of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks
2003 - Chosen to participate in Dept. of Transitional Assistance Southeast Pilot Project for victims residing in DTA Homeless Shelters
2004 - Implemented free, confidential services directed toward the needs of survivors, surviving family members, witnesses, and secondary victims of OUI incidents
2004 - Co-sponsored "Open Minds, Open Doors – Working with victims of domestic violence with substance abuse issues and disabilities" conference in partnership with the Southeastern Massachusetts Legal Assistance Corporation
2004 - Implemented state's first program placing an advocate for victims of domestic violence in housing and juvenile court
2005 - Staff and management of BFCR re-commit to the delivery of innovative, leading programs for Child, adolescent and adult victims of trauma
2006 - Received funding to expand "Community Based Services" for victims of domestic violence in the City of Brockton and ten surrounding towns
2006 - Expanded volunteer Safe Home shelter program to include two faith based sites
2007 - Received grant from Department of Social Services to implement a "Housing Stabilization" Program for victims of domestic violence
2008 - BFCR Child Witness To Violence Program named "Promising Practice Model Program" By Dept. of Children and Families' Domestic Violence Unit
2009 - BFCR Domestic Violence Program expanded it's adult victim services to provide integrated services for Latina Victims
2010 - Received grant from City of Brockton Police Department to provide bi-lingual Civilian Police Advocacy Services
2010 - Brockton Family and Community Resources, Inc. receives OVW grant in collaboration with the Town of East Bridgewater to expand and enhance supervised visitation services
2010 - Brockton Family and Community Resources, Inc. officially re-named "Family and Community Resources, Inc." on September 10th to more appropriately reflect the geographic area served
2011 - Family and Community Resources, Inc. selected to participate in MA Dept. of Public Health Batterer's Intervention Program Guideline Revision Committee
2011 - Chosen to implement pilot project with Dept. of Transitional Assistance, United Way and Plymouth County Coalition for the Homeless to provide services to victims of trauma and domestic violence residing in hotels/motels in Brockton
2011 - Family and Community Resources, Inc. chosen to sit on Governor's Commission Against Sexual and Domestic Violence sub-committee on Children Who Witness Violence
2012 - Family and Community Resources, Inc. implements program for women over 55 who have been abused by a loved one
2012 - Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center awards Family and Community Resources a $5,000 Community Health Fellowship to expand advocacy services for victims of domestic violence at the FCR Quincy Visitation Program
2013 - Family and Community Resources, Inc. establishes community based group for elders in partnership with local hospital
2013 - Family and Community Resources, Inc. is awarded funds from the Dept. of Justice, OVW Grant to expand supervised visitation services for child and adult victims of family violence
2014 - Family and Community Resources, Inc. Recognized by our delegation of Representatives at State House, Boston , MA for continued community services to all victims of domestic violence
2015 - Family and Community Resources, Inc. awarded 8 month grant by the Brockton Public School system to provide services to adolescent enrolled in the Champion Charter and Pathways schools
2016 - Family and Community Resources, Inc., in collaboration with the Brockton Neighborhood Health Center, awarded one of six national grants to train medical personnel in the signs of and appropriate response to victims of family violence
2016 - Family and Community Resources, Inc., in collaboration with South Shore Women's Resource Center and the Town of East Bridgewater receives three year grant to expand services for veteran's who are victims of family violence and immigrant women throughout 28 Cities and Towns in southeastern MA
2016 - Family and Community Resources, Inc in collaboration with Health Imperatives and South Shore Women's Resource Center organize and co-facilitate the Greater Brockton and Greater Plymouth Area Task force on Sexual and Family Violence
2018 - FCR Facilitates launch of “The Brockton Area High Risk Initiative (BAHRI)” with other CBO members of the Brockton DV Task Force to streamline access to services for victims of domestic violence
2019 - FCR Receives “HUD Continuum of Care Program” grant to provide funding for to quickly rehouse homeless individuals and families while minimizing the trauma and dislocation caused by homelessness
2019 - FCR Receives grant from Office of Violence Against Women (OVW) to support “Transitional Housing Assistance for Victims of Sexual Assault, Dating Violence and Stalking”. One of only 2 agencies in the State of MA to be awarded this funding
2020 - FCR launches “Children’s Trauma Group” an educational weekly support group to help children learn and better understand trauma in a safe neutral setting
2020 - Family and Community Resources, Inc. establishes the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee, whose mission it is to promote diversity, inclusion, equity, and culturally competent discourse through training and multi-cultural events
2020 - “Healthy Relationships Program” launch. Working with high school students from the Brockton community to educate student peer leaders on what constitutes healthy and unhealthy dating practices, and to equip teenagers with the skills and resources to develop safe, healthy relationships of their own with coordinators from Family & Community Resources Inc, The Boys & Girls Club of Metro South, and Cape Verdean Women United
2021 - Family and Community Resources, Inc. receives $13,000 United Way grant in partnership with The Charity Guild of Brockton to place a bi-lingual domestic violence advocate on site during the hours the Charity Guild food pantry is open to provide case management services
2022 - Family and Community Resources, Inc. receives HUD grant to provide housing assistance to homeless survivors of sexual and domestic violence in the greater Brockton and Quincy area
2022 - Family and Community Resources, Inc. receives a MA EOHHS grant to provide paid internships and supervision for all FCR programs through 2025
2022 - Family and Community Resources, Inc. receives funding from the American Rescue Plan to start the WISE Program, which hires and trains local retirees as visitation monitors
2022 - Family and Community Resources, Inc. wins the Hedi Levenback Outstanding Supervised Visit Provider of the Year Award from the Supervised Visitation Network, an international non-profit for safe visitations
2023 - Family and Community Resources, Inc. HUD grant funding housing assistance for homeless survivors of sexual and domestic violence increased
2023 - Family and Community Resources, Inc. receives Congressional Designation Grant through Senator Markey (MA) and Senator Warren (MA) to provide three additional full-time licensed clinicians to the FCR Behavioral Health Program
2023 - Family and Community Resources, Inc. partners with the Plymouth County Children’s Advocacy Center (PCCAC) to provide Mental Health Care Coordination for all children and families served by the PCCAC
2024 - Family and Community Resources, Inc. receives a grant from the OVW to form the Plymouth County Human Trafficking Task Force, along with the Plymouth County District Attorney’s Office, to spread awareness about trafficking by participating in outreach events and offer services to survivors of sex and labor trafficking in Plymouth County
2024 - Family and Community Resource's grant with HUD to find support housing for homeless survivors of domestic violence increases again. It is projected to increase again in October of 2025
2024 - Family and Community Resources, Inc. enters into the Hearts and Hands for Hope Partnership with the Associacao Cabo Verdiana de Luta Contra Violencia Baseada no Genero (ACLCVBG), a domestic violence agency in Praia, Cape Verde, with the intention of creating better understanding of domestic violence in both agencies