Beyond Sportsmanship
“Thank you for showing us the road to a healthy relationship!”
On Saturday, May 8th, Zoe Sachs, Healthy Relationships Program Coordinator, along with two of the program’s peer leaders, taught a seminar on Healthy Relationships with the Next Level Football group!
Next Level Football is an award winning program that goes beyond teaching teens about football by preparing them for rigorous college academics and instilling valuable life skills such as respect, professionalism, and accountability.
“We had a great turn out - almost 30! - and they were a fantastic, engaged group of young men,” said Zoe.
The group talked about boundaries, healthy relationships, positive communication, and how to be a respectful partner and friend.
The boys asked thoughtful questions about the curriculum in relation to their own relationships, and how to be a supportive ally to friends who are in a toxic relationship.
They explored answers to
“How can I help my friend if he is not in a good relationship with his girlfriend?”
How to use “I feel” statements in their communication with friends and partners.
What to say when their partner is posting pictures on social media without permission, or showing up somewhere uninvited.
The peer leaders helped to put situations into perspective for the group, and discussed the importance of communication and talking things through.
For example, not calling their partners ‘crazy’ or ‘toxic’, because “people themselves aren’t toxic, but behaviors are”.
For the last activity of the day, the group worked in small groups to create skits about setting boundaries.
The group thought the activities were engaging and allowed them look at relationships in a new way.
The skits explored respect, more specifically, being ‘disrepected’ by friends and partners and how to best handle those situations.
Thanks to everyone who participated and to the Next Level Football Coaching staff!
The event was Organized through the The Boys and Girls Club of Metro South.